Robin Uralowich

Robin Uralowich

Licensing: RES.0044388

Growing up in Rhode Island I have worked in customer service my whole life where I wore many hats, communicated globally, worked as a team with international subsidiaries and customers. My back ground has always been customer service. I have always worked within a Team where communication and customer Service was crucial. Having this background lead me right into the Real Estate Industry. I decided to get my real estate license along with my Real Estate Appraiser License because my Grandfather sold Real Estate until he was in his early 80s and I wanted to follow the same path. I have found out over the last 3 years that I have the same Love and Passion for Real Estate that my grandfather had. I love meeting new people and get great satisfaction out of helping find their dream home and/or selling their current home so they can move on to their next home stress free.  Contact me today to start your journey!

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